"Mr. Plow" <adam_is_mr_plow@hotmail.com> wrote:
: Oh boy Jon, you're really opening up a can of worms with this post....
: hehehe
Don't I know it! :-)
: I really like the mud-drags idea, especially side by side.
: I don't think it would be too tough to widen the pit another 20 feet or so,
: and then make a mound in the middle of the pit, sectioning it into 2 parts,
: making it safer to run 2 Daks at a time.
: The whole lights and timer stuff, your on your own for that one. :D
What I was thinking of doing was to make it separate of the mud pit,
partly to allow the trucks who might not want to go through the pit to
be able to do it too. I mainly just wanted a muddy area just to keep it
nice and slippery; it would be more of a "how quick can you hook up and
get through it?" as opposed to "can you get through it?". :-)
So I'd really like to do it separate of the pit, but I'm still flip-flopping
on wether to run 2 trucks at the same time or not. Since there would be timing
equipment there, same as at a drag strip, it would be easy to compare "short times"
along with ETs and speeds. That should be safer than running 2 trucks at a time
(and would require less space, I'm still not sure where I could put it), but
if running 2 trucks at the same time is the only way to go, then that's what
we have to do. I just wanted to try and figure out if we really need to
run 2 trucks or not...
: I also like the hill-climb idea, maybe we could get that timed as well? Or
: whoever makes it higher up the hill, if no one reaches the top? But instead
: of slippery hill, why don't we use the ravine wall? hehehehe
Heheheh! Yeah, its not the going up that's the problem its when you
stop moving and have to figure out how to get back down! ;-)
: And don't worry, i'll be able to think up A LOT more ideas, just gimme some
: time.... hehehehehehe
Sounds good. :-)
.---- Jon Steiger ------ jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -----. | I'm the: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA. Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '70 Barracuda, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly | `----------------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com ----'
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