Is that a Intense Performance Z-Tube? How much?
Steven St.Laurent
C4i System Engineer
C4i Engineering Branch, PSD, MCTSSA
Office (760) 725-2506 (DSN Prefix: 365)
"Never be content with somebody else definition
of you. Instead, define yourself by your own beliefs,
your own truths, your own understanding of who
you are. Never be content until you are happy with
the unique person GOD has created you to be."
-----Original Message-----
From: 2k_QC_4.7_5spd []
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 8:00 AM
Subject: DML: Re: Need a STAGE II Jet Chip
I have one on ebay for sale right now, ends sunday, its at 117.00 currently
here is the link. I also have a TB spacer on ebay. I have a Intense
performance stage II (not on ebay yet), although it maybe sold just have
not received payment yet. also set of 4 R/T wheels and tires.
"Stlaurent Mr Steven" <STLAURENTS@MCTSSA.USMC.MIL> wrote in message
> Is anyone selling a Jet Stage II chip for a 4.7?
> --------------------------------------
> Steven St.Laurent
> C4i System Engineer
> C4i Engineering Branch, PSD, MCTSSA
> MARCORSYSCOM, U.S. Marine Corps
> Office (760) 725-2506 (DSN Prefix: 365)
> "Never be content with somebody else definition
> of you. Instead, define yourself by your own beliefs,
> your own truths, your own understanding of who
> you are. Never be content until you are happy with
> the unique person GOD has created you to be."
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