RE: Join forces with the MML? (Carlisle)

From: Wisotzkey, Rich (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 09:17:20 EDT

Hi Jon,
Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Are the tents the same size regardless of
how many people register? Maybe something to consider in case of rain. I
remember back in 2000 when it rained, the tent was pretty full.

Can't give you any input on the BBQ and patrolled lots since I don't stay up
there, but they sound like ok things to do.

Since we had to pay for the tent, would you like some donation toward it?
Rich - Ashburn, VA

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 6:59 PM
Subject: DML: Join forces with the MML? (Carlisle)

   As has been mentioned previously, unfortunately we fell just short
of the required 20 registered vehicles to get the free tent at Carlisle.
(again...) The MML (Mopar Mailing List) which is usually 2nd got
pushed back to 3rd thanks to a flood of PT Cruisers. There was some
talk on the MML about what could be done to increase their standings.
In another post, I had jokingly posted that maybe we need to join forces.
Some people thought that might not be such a bad idea, and started posting
along the same lines.

   I have not actually discussed anything formally with the MML, and
this is all just wild speculation at this point, but I thought I
would post something here to see what everyone thought about that
possibility. (i.e. forming a joint club with the MML, and possibly
other mailing lists at Carlisle)

   Beyond guaranteeing that we will have enough people for the tent,
and getting a cut of the club money, there are some other possible
benefits, depending mostly on how involved the DMLers want to get...
The MML always has a BBQ on Saturday night - DMLers who register a
vehicle in the joint club would probably get free eats. If that were
the case, it would be nice if some DMLers were to help out with the
BBQ prep. There are also other possibilities like maybe booking at the
same motel - maybe with a larger group we could book a block of rooms
at a discount. The MML also has a security patrol at their motel, where
people sign up for a shift and basically walk through the parking lot
in pairs with a cell phone, to make sure there isn't any theft or
vandalism happening to the cars. (If we were to book at the same
motel, it would be nice if some DMLers were to volunteer for this as

   One drawback is that I am guessing the tent will probably not be
right next to the Daks like it has been, but I don't know for sure.

  One of the main things I am wondering about with this whole venture
is how the DMLers would mix with the MMLers. I don't mean that we
wouldn't get along, but there seems to be a different attitude between
the two groups. The MML is very organized; they make up name tags,
have the BBQ, security patrols, etc. Most DMLers didn't even seem
to hang out near the tent! ;-) (Yes, there were several who did,
but in general, the DMLers seem to be more independant rather than
banding together like the MML.) That's partly why I'm asking
here - to see if there is even any interest in doing something like
this, and if so, to what level would you want to get involved? Just
registering in the same club to boost the numbers, or would you
be interested in doing some of the other things too (BBQ, security
patol, etc.)?

   Any opinions, comments, suggestions, etc. would be welcome!




.---- Jon Steiger ------ or -----. | I'm the: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA. Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '70 Barracuda, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly | `----------------------------------------- ----'

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