
From: Got-Speed \(Marty\) (
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 11:11:53 EDT

Are you considering "repurchasing" the totaled truck back from the insurance
company ?? Alot of times its only $500-$1000 and you would then be able to
part it out or something. At least then you would have your wheels and tires
back, along with anything else you had done to it. I am sure there are alot
of people on this list that could use some part of another, and after your
done parting out, or just get tired, then you slap whatever is left up on
ebay and call it a parts truck ;)

All in all doing it that way, you not only get your new vehicle, but make
some money on the wrecked one !

BTW- I need some interior panels ;)


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