<snip>Also, I dont understand the TPS sensor mods on speedtweaks site. I
dont get
how drilling out copper bushing will modify the reading the sensor
OK Wes
Drilling out the bushings don't affect the sensor reading. When you
remove the sensor you'll feel a slight spring pressure as the sensor slides
away from the shaft. The bushings keep the sensor tightly in place at
whatever setting they happen to get at the factory. When you drill out the
bushing and re-install the sensor, you are able to rotate the sensor
slightly thus varying the electrical signal read by your computer. Before
you start messing with it, you must check the voltage on the sensor with a
digital voltmeter. If it is close to .7, leave it alone. If it is way low,
go ahead and do the mod. Drill out the bushings (from the back only!)
re-install it with some washers under the screw heads. Turn the key on but
do not start the engine. Connect a digital voltmeter to the negative
battery terminal and the center wire on the TPS sensor. turn the entire
sensor slightly until the voltage reads between .7 and .75 volts DC.
Tighten the screws and re-check the voltage, it may move slightly when you
tighten the screws. Start the engine and let it idle for a couple of
minutes. It will idle high until the computer "learns" the new initial
voltage setting. Drive off after it has done this and you should see
crisper throttle response.
Ray Irons,
Dover, DE
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