I just did a brake job on a 01 and had one of the pins all but turn out by
hand too. You should hela-coil the hole. Use new pins too!I heard from
someone at the dealer that they had some problems with the pin-holes not
being so good. It seemed that I had to fight to get the alignment to put tne
new pin in the fresh hole. Maybe somthing is drilled off a bit. By NO means
drive it that way. If the pin works loose the callaper will turn with the
rotor and jam locking the wheel. it could turn and rip the line off as well
resulting in a loss of fluid and front brakes. Either way NOT GOOD!!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <Aajaynefour@cs.com>
To: <dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 9:42 PM
Subject: DML: brake work
> Hey all,
> Today I replaced the front rotors and pads with Powerslots and Raybestos
> Super Stops respectively. Everything went smoothly for the most part.
> However, one of the caliper slide pins on the left side was seized and it
> destroyed the threads in the cast iron when I backed it out. No way could
> get it torqued to the required 22 ft. lbs. I can just about turn it by
> Damn!!!
> My question is this: Is this something to be worried about? And, is it
> necessary to lube the slide pins where they make contact with the rubber
> bushings?
> Thanks
> Andrew
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