Re: Camera WAS: Read this spark plug? a question back

From: Jon N. Benignus (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 23:07:25 EDT

> I've got this camera:
> And it takes WONDERFULL pictures =)
2 megapixel isn't bad, it's now on the low end of the spectrum, but, it's
not as expensive as a 5 megapixel camera.
I noticed it has a 10x digital zoom. Digital zoom really isn't a zoom. It
only enlarges the picture, then uses the center of the image. Then to try to
gain back the clarity it lost, it interpolates the information in order to
reassemble the digtal image the way it was before the enlarging. You lose
clarity in the process. This is the problem with most digital cameras on the
consumer end. The "professional" cameras use a 35mm SLR body with a digital
back (film door on the SLR) and real SLR lenses. Many have superior image
quality than the consumer grade cameras even though they have a smaller CCD
(the device that actually captures the image) and lower resolution. This is
due to the superior optics.
For the $ they work well for the average user.
Remember, digital has a long way to go to match film. That camera is a 2
megapixel capability, film is around 35 megapixel.
You should be happy with that Sony.

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