Way OT Now - WAS: Guns = no insurance???

From: Robert Schultz (robert_schultz@remove.yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 15:42:40 EST

Then again, the situation I described was in Canada not the States. We're
not communist yet are we? But I imagine it is the right of the company to
manage their risk. My problem wasn't that they denied insurance, but that
they ignored information provided by us and the local government ministry
that said it was legal and SAFE.

On the gun issue, I never said anything about guns. Just enough gunpowder to
make a really cool pyrotechnics display.

Have you heard about our latest gov't boondoggle? A 2 million dollar gun
registry program has now cost us over 1 billion dollars and there is
significant resistance and non-compliance. They keep quoting bogus numbers
on how many lives have been saved. Most of the benefit (they even admit
themselves) has been gun-owner registration, and we already had that. Every
time someone gets shot here it they point out how the gun registry would
have saved that life. MOST of the shootings are done by illegally imported
handguns from the US. While I don't disagree with the registry in principle
(after all I register my vehicles) I do take issue with their reasoning for
implementing it. That is, that it will stop killings by gunshot. I can make
the leap to their logical fallacy.

Every person I've met who is rabidly anti gun has never used one or had a
use for one. Therefore, no one else can have a use for one. This may not be
true, fits with all the people I've met.

Dak content: When I transported gunpowder in Ontario in significant
quantities (I can't remember what constitutes significant), I needed to
display the orange '1.3' explosive diamond on the truck. People would come
up real fast do a little tailgating then fall WAAAY back when they saw the

Rob S.

P.S. I've noticed with Outlook Express that if I Reply Group and change the
title, I don't think anyone can see my post. Anyone else experience this?

<jon@dakota-truck.net> wrote in message
> "Mr. Plow" <adam_is_mr_plow@hotmail.com> wrote:
> : How can that company exist in the U.S.???
> : Wouldn't the scenario you described be a direct violation of your
> : constitutional rights?
> Nah, as a non-gov't entity, they have the right to discriminate
> and select their customer base however they see fit (or they *should*
> have the right to, anyway). However, as consumers we also have the
> right to boycott the commie pinkos. ;-)
> --
> -Jon-
> .---- Jon Steiger ------ jon@dakota-truck.net or
jon@jonsteiger.com ------.
> | I'm the: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA. Rec & UL Pilot - SEL
> | 70 Cuda, 90 Dak 'vert, 92 Ram 4x4, 96 Dak, 96 Intruder 1400, 96 FireFly
> `------------------------------------------
http://www.jonsteiger.com ----'

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