Re: Opinion about brakes??

From: Matt Tharp (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 14:57:03 EST

Hold up are we just talking about the rear brakes or
all 4 of them. I had almost 70K out of my front brakes
and had 140 on the truck before I sold it. I think
that 48k is normal. If the rear brakes were not
working you would be replaceing them often. If your
brakes are set up correctly you will not replace them
often. I would not worry about it. They say the brake
look fine and that you have time left then you do. If
they are incorrect you can hold them to there word.
When I was a tech and saw a brake check on a car I
grabed the work. It would be a easy sell and a easy
job if the car/truck needed it.

Just my Thought's
Matt Tharp
"It's entirely possible that they still look new at
48k because there aredocumented cases of rear brakes
simply not working on Dakotas".

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