Yeah, I had the same problem when I was in Tenn. Only 1 computer shop there really too, so I bought most of my stuff online. Office depot was probably the best place for computers for me locally.. uggghhh... Probably why I build my own stereos and computers :-)
Ken Allgood
97 CC SLT 5.2L
> From: "BARRY OLIVER" <>
> Date: 2003/03/20 Thu AM 10:08:17 EST
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Re: DML: Sub-woofer ?
> Our sterio shop (singular) has less variety than our sircut chitty..
> The problem (no offense) with CC is the 18 year old minimum wage they
> tend to hire, here at our store... There just isn't a good place near
> where I am at, chain or local...
> >>> 03/20/03 06:38AM >>>
> Circuit city sells 4 or 5 brands, while the sound shop will probably
> sell a dozen or so brands (sub-woofers). So they typically have a wider
> range of expertise...
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