My normally reliable 95 CC 4X4 with 3.9 is about to drive me nuts! It will
cut out and die and not restart. Sometimes. It will run great for an hour
and when you stop for gas it won't start. Sometimes.
Whole story...the truck has been cutting out and dieing for the past week,
wait about an hour and it'll start right up. I found a burnt coil wire where
it had been touching the manifold so I thought HA! I found it! Replaced the
wire and it ran fine the rest of the day. Next day drove 65 miles to work no
problem. Went to lunch and stopped for gas and it wouldn't re-start, spins
over just fine, plenty of fuel at the fuel rails, pushed it to the side and
came back for it an hour later and it started right up and I drove 60 miles
home. Went out about an hour later and it wouldn't start. Called my
father-in-law to pick me up and went back outside and it started (of
course!). Drove it 20 miles to the in-laws and no problem. Went out 30
minutes later and no start, put a timing light on it and no signal. AHA!
Swapped coils and she fired right up! Next morning jumped in and drove 60
miles to work no problem, went to lunch and after about 30 minutes it just
died, wouldn't re-start back so I left it on the side of the rode and
hitched a ride back to work. That's where I am now.
I'm in digest mode so if you have any "hey, it's the________" please
e-mail it direct also.
Thanks in advance.....
Mark with a dead Dak!
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