
From: BARRY OLIVER (DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us)
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 16:46:25 EDT

` Ok, after wearing out a mouse clicking around crutchfield (so named because your finger will need crutches) I realized I don't know what I think I want exists. I have narrowed my search to two options:
#1 a 3 piece component system with proper size mid in front (door) and the woofers in the back, in the stock locations. This option seems like I would gain sound quality and [possibly] drop a bit of volume..
#2 replace all 4 big speakers with matched full-range speakers and buy separate tweeters. This seems like I will gain loudness but sacrifice frequency range compared to #1.

Matched components are a plus because [presumably] the will sound better togeather. Once I decide which way to go, I can start looking at individual speakers...

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