From: Jeff Durling (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 17:12:23 EDT

As for the structure of the list changing... I think its best to leave
well enough alone. I use the message board exclusivly at home... and I
am a subscriber to the digest mode for times when I am away from home. I

leave it subscribed so I can send messages from any computer... I use
the archives to read the recent posts. Very easy to do so. The only
down side is I have to empty my email box every week or so... but its
not a big problem - a mouse click or two and its gone.

Know the old saying - don't fix what ain't broke!

Footnote.... today is June 26th - - there are 26 days left until
M-Day.... creepy!!

Terrible Tom

The only thing a couple of us are looking at now is to see if it possible to duplicate the newsgroup but on the webpage. That way everything would stay the same but it would give you one other avenue to use for posting/ viewing threads. The more I think of it if there really was any change that would be the best. No mess of making changes and everyone getting upset. With this you can keep the digest, get email, use the newsgroup, or do your thing right from the webpage. I don't know what Jon's arrangements are for server/ webspace if we could make this work but nothing hurts to at least look into.

Jeff Durling

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