Terrible Tom wrote:
> heheh thats just one of the ones I can remember. The ones I hate are
> the guys who come in and say "look it up for any year they are all the
> same"
Guilty. I've done this very thing at NAPA and Poop Boys because *they
never had a '99 Dak 318* in their blasted computer! What was I supposed
to do? So I just started rattling off other vehicles for them to check
- '92-'98 Dak 318, '92-'01 Ram 318, '93-'98 Grand Cherokee V8. When
it's a thermostat, thermostat gasket, or TB gasket, they are all the
same there.
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/dakota - andy-dml@levyclan.us -------------------------------------------- "Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine" -Bob Tom --------------------------------------------
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