Re: 4.7L manual not starting

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Mon Oct 20 2003 - 20:19:32 EDT

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 18:29:26 -0400, (Patrick
and Kelly Engram) wrote:

>Hmm, wonder if that harness under recall rubbed through?
> Anyway, if the clock and radio reset, then I bet the battery is going
>south, or the ASD relay may be not functioning well. Always start at
>the battery with an electrical problem. You want at least 12.4 volts
>after removing the static charge (turn truck off, then turn headlights
>on for 30 seconds, then back off again, and check battery voltage)

Yep... That sounds like the exact symptoms I had when my battery
crapped out earlier this year. I have a 2000 4.7L also, but with the

I went out to start up the truck... started on the first try, but the
crank sounded weak. I had to get to a class, so I threw my portable
jump starter in the back seat and left. It took two tries to start
when I was leaving school...crank still sounded weak, voltage gauge
was reading low. I stopped for gas on the way to work. The truck
barely started on the first crank, and then died. Wouldn't restart.

I jumped it, crank sounded strong, and within 15-20 seconds of
slightly rough idle, it was running fine. Drove it to the shop I
usually go to (which happens to be right next door to the gas station,
luckily) and had them test the charging system. Everything was fine
there. Replaced the battery and everything has been fine since. By
the time I made it into the shop and they told me it was the battery,
I was so pissed about all of the time I had lost that I told them
"give me the best damned battery you can get your hands on." Got an
Optima :-)

I'd say that's probably what's wrong with your truck, Jay.


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