On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 16:39:40 -0500, jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
>"BARRY OLIVER" <DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us> wrote:
>: Wow, I wouldn't have thought about the turning radius.......
>>> dakota@billpitz.com 01/05/04 07:44PM >>>
...have pointed to the fact that if you turn too sharply with a short
tow vehicle, the trailer can smack into the cab.
With a long bed, your hitch sits quite a bit further back in the bed,
thereby moving the trailer further away from the cab.
I've never towed with a 5th wheel setup, but I can imagine that it
must be nice. I'd like to be able to look out the back window and see
precisely where I'm lining up the hitch and trailer.
Oh, I see... in my mind I was picturing a goosneck flatbed trailer
rather than a full size camper with corners... that makes more sense...
but then they do make 5th wheel trailers with little overhang. I've
seen some "dedicated units" on the road that had precious little
clearance between the cab and the trailer, but the front of the trailer
was curved, so you could turn probably 90 degrees with it if you had to.
I guess it would depend on wheather you planned to spend more time
towing it or living in it. If you were just going to tow it to a RV
park, and myabe move it twice a year, I suppose you could deal with a
more ungainly setup than if you were planning to tow it every
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