While the lawyers are driving around....what was the rep doing at the track?
And if he's off duty, he's not bound at all (unless he's in public service:
police, fire, etc.). If they want, they can hire a private investigator (as
most insurance companies do), but as himself...not a whole lot will stand up
in court.
- Bernd
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@bent.twistedbits.net
[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@bent.twistedbits.net] On Behalf Of Bob Mankin
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 6:31 PM
To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
Subject: DML: RE: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: RE: Warranty Trouble with
Supercharger and other mods?
Lemme tell you how the lawyers will drive around that one(pun intended).
Rep claims he sees a familiar truck at the track. Maybe one that he
knows(claims) has been in for tranny or rear end warranty service. If that
truck has been afforded warranty service and it's been raced, that's
insurance fraud. That's a felony. He is legally bound to report a felony(and
so are you for that matter).
It's a stretch, but if you're planning to go head-to-head with the sharks,
you better start thinking like they do or they will chew you up in court.
If you think ethics are driving their actions, you must deal with different
attornies than I do.
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