Re: RE: RE: Warranty Trouble with Supercharger and other mods?

From: ronald bruce taylor,jr (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 21:00:05 EST was not my intention to start another war of e-mails here!

I just reported the info I was told in confidence, these steps were taken to
prevent repeated abuse of the warranty program.

I personally feel that if I go to the track or add a performance mod to my
Dakota and it breaks as a result of said action, the responsibilty to fix it
is mine alone, no one else.

The one Ram I know of had more than $6,000 in warranty work performed
at several dealers for various tranny and rearend repairs over a 18 month of the dealers suspected that the truck was being
seriously abused by the owner.

Another incident I know of that voided the warranty of the truck was
another Ram had been fitted with a body lift and suspension lift that
resulted in the heater core being damaged when the body was lifted.

DC denied the claim on the heater core repair on that truck. That Ram was
serviced at local dealer and I saw that truck first hand.

My personal opinion was that the dealers service dept was correct in denying
that claim.

01'Dakota Sport 3.9 4WD
Street,Strip,and Show!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernd D. Ratsch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 8:14 PM
Subject: DML: RE: RE: Warranty Trouble with Supercharger and other mods?

> While the lawyers are driving around....what was the rep doing at the
> And if he's off duty, he's not bound at all (unless he's in public
> police, fire, etc.). If they want, they can hire a private investigator
> most insurance companies do), but as himself...not a whole lot will stand
> in court.
> - Bernd
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Bob Mankin
> Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 6:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: DML: RE: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: RE: Warranty Trouble with
> Supercharger and other mods?
> Lemme tell you how the lawyers will drive around that one(pun intended).
> Rep claims he sees a familiar truck at the track. Maybe one that he
> knows(claims) has been in for tranny or rear end warranty service. If that
> truck has been afforded warranty service and it's been raced, that's
> insurance fraud. That's a felony. He is legally bound to report a
> so are you for that matter).
> It's a stretch, but if you're planning to go head-to-head with the sharks,
> you better start thinking like they do or they will chew you up in court.
> If you think ethics are driving their actions, you must deal with
> attornies than I do.
> Bob

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