RE: Midnight Engine Swap??

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 06:39:25 EST

With the right tools and help, you "could" get it done in 4-5
hours....that's if the other engine is already assembles (long-block). With
the parts swap and cleaning, give yourself the weekend to do it right.

Don't forget oil, coolant, and beer. ;)

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gary Hedlin
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 2:55 AM
Subject: DML: Midnight Engine Swap??

Well, it's going to be time for me to do an engine swap, and I was wondering
how long would it take to swap a 3.9 with another 3.9??? I may be able to
get a few friends to help, so I'm wondering if it's at all possible to do it
in a very long evening with 3 guys and an engine lift???

This post is probably confirmation that I've lost it, but I'm convinced
having all this engine stuff around is bad karma for I want to get
this over with. :)


Gary Hedlin
Hedlin Web Designs
Gary's Wisdom- #2
-Don't let incompetent people tell you that you don't know what your doing.

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