RE: What might be causing this?

From: Gabriel Couriel (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 12:47:25 EST

you need to clean the IAC sensor. it is in the back of the TB, and is
secured by two bolts. take it out, spray it with TB cleaner. gently wipe
off the crud after you spray it. dry it with one of those computer air
cans. reinstall it. you'll see the idle becomes less eratic.

Gabriel Couriel

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Phillip
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:18 AM
Subject: DML: What might be causing this?

I noticed today when I got to work and parked, I let
the engine run a couple of minutes while I was
preparing to go into the building, and it kept
dropping to ~500rpm then move up to ~700rpm then back
down again. It did it a few times before it evened

I know its time to change the plugs and do my oil
again, but could that be the cause? Just wondering if
I need to possibly look into changing plug wires,
distributor etc. I've got about 55k on it now. I've
been changing the plugs every 10-15k.

Thanks guys!

2000 4x4 CC 4.7L

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