<jon@dakota-truck.net> wrote in message
> Michael Maskalans <dml@tepidcola.com> wrote:
> : On Jan 15, 2004, at 13:09, Jason Bleazard wrote:
> :> Michael Maskalans said:
> :>>
> :>> thought some of you might be itnerested in this thread
> :>>
> :>> <http://pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=209387>
> :>
> :> Wow, nice truck. His list of mods reads almost exactly like my "if I
> :> ever
> :> won the lottery" wish list. Where do people find the money and time
> :> for
> :> this stuff?
> : Jason,
> : Look around you right now. see all those computers? what if you put
> : that money into vehicles instead....
> : at least that's my assumption. Maybe everyone else is just rich ;-)
> Nah, Jason is smarter than that! :-) I believe his computer
> philosophy is about the same as mine - go up the price curve until
> the component you are looking for takes the big jump, and buy the
> one just below that. :-) Even if you buy the bleeding edge stuff,
> it won't be bleeding edge for more than a couple of months, so
> why spend the extra dough? I suspect that if Jason had applied
> all the money he has spent on computers towards his truck, he
> *might* have enough for a down payment on a solid front axle... If
> ya do it right, computers can be fairly cheap. :-) Auto parts
> are another story. :-P
> --
> -Jon-
so true. i bet Mike's views are just skewed because you can't build your
own mac, and they're definately not cheap to buy one.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L www.geocities.com/lenny187/dakota.html www.omg-stfu.com
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