Re: OT new virus

From: andy levy (
Date: Thu Jan 29 2004 - 17:44:30 EST

Hash: SHA1

On 1/29/2004 12:37 AM, KenCo wrote:
| Kyle Vanditmars wrote:
|> Jason Bleazard wrote:
|>>> your infected if you recieved it or checked your mail. period!
|>> I'd disagree with that. The worm spreads through the attachment that
|>> would need to be opened. If you didn't open it and run the worm, I
|>> don't see how it could infect your machine.
|>> Does anyone know of a way to check for sure whether your machine has
|>> been infected? I haven't found anything about that yet.
|> I think there's another one going around that places a bunch of
|> garbage characters in the preview pane. I know I've gotten a few like
|> that. I use mozilla, so I'm guessing it's not as flawed as Outlook/OE.
| Im using Mozilla (V. 1.5) also, it got through :(

I use Thunderbird (descended from Mozilla). I've gotten many copies in
my mailbox, but I haven't been infected. It will "get through" unless
you actively stop it from landing in your inbox - difference is, in
Lookout/OE, there's a chance of it being activated without you doing
anything, whereas sane mail clients will not do anything till you tell
it to.

- --
- -andy -
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"Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
        -Bob Tom
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