RE: Legit Tuning Thread Was: Re: Used MP PCM

From: greg conner (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 08:49:21 EST

ASE has now moved to mexico. I sent them an email a few months ago asking
if they were still taking US business. I received an email back 5 weeks
later, in broken english asking for me to take a picture of the outside of
my pcm. He just needed a picture of it to figure out if he could chip it or
not. Personally I'd stay away.

Greg Conner
1996 RC
3.9 hybrid

>From: "Bernd D. Ratsch" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: RE: Legit Tuning Thread Was: Re: DML: Used MP PCM
>Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 06:03:23 -0600
>I'm a huge fan of the TransGo kits (for a long time now). They're still
>leader on shift kits (as they are the originators) and what APS does with
>the standard TransGo kit plus their custom parts is incredible.
>Turning off OD when towing or under heavy load is a good thing.
>- Bernd
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Peter Grace
>Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:15 PM
>Subject: Re: Legit Tuning Thread Was: Re: DML: Used MP PCM
>Hash: SHA1
>Does that mean to say you're not a fan of the trans-go kit? The trans-go
>kit shows all these washers and gaskets and such which lead me to believe
>it's a hardware kit -- or is it?
>It only slips like that when I'm power accelerating, my guess is I'm just
>pushing the little guy too hard sometimes. I've recently gotten into the
>habit of switching off OD on the fly when I'm on seriously steep hills - is
>that a good or a bad idea?
>As for these ASE guys, is there a site for them? I'd be interested in
>seeing what they've got.
>Bernd D. Ratsch wrote:
>| If you want to have firmer shifts, invest in a shift kit
>| ( There really isn't any substitute for
>| a mechanical shift kit...electronics/software can only go so far on
>| the 42/44/46/46/48 series transmissions.
>| As for the slipping, have that checked out. It shouldn't slip too
>much or,
>| not want to as you described.
>| I've had excellent results with the Jet Stage-II on my '97 V6 but
>opted for
>| an ASE Custom flashed PCM (torquey as hell and definitely make more
>| power than the Jet Stage-II).
>| - Bernd
>| -----Original Message-----
>| From:
>| [] On Behalf Of Peter
>| Grace
>| Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:45 PM
>| To:
>| Subject: Re: Legit Tuning Thread Was: Re: DML: Used MP PCM
>| Hash: SHA1
>| 1997 V6 Club Cab 4WD.. I don't know if I really need shift point
>| changes, but as it stands the shifts aren't really too aggresive...
>| I feel like I'm taking the kids to soccer practice instead of wielding
>| the enormous towing power of a magnum engine.
>| Kind-of along the same lines, my transmission seems to not want to
>| shift into second sometimes, it almost seems like the truck slips from
>| 1st to neutral for about a second, then into 2nd gear.
>| Is that a BAD thing or is it normal?
>| Thanks,
>| Pete
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32)

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