Re: Legit Tuning Thread Was: Re: Used MP PCM

From: Peter Grace (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 09:19:37 EST

Hash: SHA1

I'm definitely thinking I'm going to have my truck in for a tranny
health-screening one of these days. Once they adjust these bands and
change out the oil, maybe then we'll see what's up with the transgo kit...

Glad to hear that it's OK to switch in and out of O/D.. Sometimes, you
just have to pass that one guy who's being an idiot and can't get enough
juice for it in OD.


Michael Maskalans wrote:
| On Feb 19, 2004, at 23:14, Peter Grace wrote:
|> Does that mean to say you're not a fan of the trans-go kit? The
|> trans-go kit shows all these washers and gaskets and such which lead me
|> to believe it's a hardware kit -- or is it?
| definitely a hardware kit.
| replaces some springs, makes some mods to (holes in) the valve body.
| if you're an ambitious shadetree who can read directions, you can do
| it. just pick up a t-25 for your 1/4" drive - it speeds things up a lot.
| I've been real pleased with my results (and this is definitely the
| deepest I've ever gone into my truck). though I still need to back out
| my TV cable a bit to calm down my shift points. great for power, but
| they're definitely why I get 12 MPG around town no matter what. with
| the new tires, I don't get third until I crest about 42MPH at 2500. heh.
|> It only slips like that when I'm power accelerating, my guess is I'm
|> just pushing the little guy too hard sometimes.
| slipping is generally a bad thing..... get your bands adjusted and hope
| it goes away. don't bother throwing a shift kit at a trans that might
| not be in good shape.
| adjusting the bands, changing the lube and filter aren't too bad,
| either. but of course they are 1/2 step from starting on a shift kit.
| you need to drop the trans pan, which can (will) be a bit of a mess, but
| again, for a decent shadetree, nothing to be scared of.
|> I've recently gotten
|> into the habit of switching off OD on the fly when I'm on seriously
|> steep hills - is that a good or a bad idea?
| if it's not in the gear you want it to be in, put it in the gear you
| want it to be in. no problem there.
| --
| Michael Maskalans <>
| ClassTech Consultant - ITS Printer Tech - ITS Lab Tech
| mobile.612.618.4652 campus.585.274.2246 fax.954.697.0487
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