Re: Just a test message, please ignore.

From: andy levy (
Date: Sun Mar 14 2004 - 00:36:16 EST

Hash: SHA1

On 3/14/2004 12:19 AM, Terrible Tom wrote:

| Jon wrote:
|> Sorry for the interruption, folks! Just need to test a list function...
| List function? New list function? Do we get a new function? Gee I wonder
| what the new function is! Will the new function provide instant tech
| support? Will the new function explain WTF "lolerwaffelskates" is or WTF
| Josh smoked that made him say it? Oh cool a list function!! I can't
| wait to try it out!! Does it post our messages backwards to uncover
| hidden demonic phrases such as "deliver us unto the fiery depths of
| General Motors" or "Schrempp is SATAN!!!"? Will this list function find
| me a girlfriend that doesn't call my truck a "van"? WIll it find me a
| girlfriend at all? Will it keep my truck afloat at 3 am? Does it give
| me super vision powers to see bodies of water below the horizon line?
| Damn I wish I knew what this list function was that Jon was testing...
| is it a new method of detecting if there is a loose nut behidn the
| wheel? Is this list function finger lickin' good? Will this list
| function tell me if my underware needs to be changed? Arugh the suspense
| is killing me! Please what is this list function!?! *twitch* OH OH! I
| know - this list function prevents andy from stalling out his truck and
| making dead on perfect shifts every time! Right? Hmmmmmm Perhaps this
| list function Jon is testing is some new super horsepower augmenter that
| will magically give us all 440 CI fuel injected engines... Will this
| list function seek out new life and boldly go where no list function has
| gone before? Or is this list function just a rehash of old rerun list
| functions that are based off a punch card computer system? Will this
| list function be good to the last drop? Are batteries not included with
| this list function? Is some assembly required for this list function?
| Does this list function enlarge male reproductive organs?? DAMN I wanna
| know! Does this list function tell who shot JFK? It is a chihauha that
| sits and sayd "Yo quiro List Functions?"

If you put even 10% of this energy into yer trucks, they'd all be on the
road 100% :P

- --
- -andy -
- --------------------------------------------
"Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
        -Bob Tom
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