RE: RE: Gas prices

From: Rick Barnes (
Date: Thu Mar 18 2004 - 11:15:36 EST

Guys, are you considering how all these states, counties, and even
municipalities use gasoline to tax it like crazy for their stupid, fat
government programs? A lot of what we see differences is taxes in all these
Glug glug...


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of BARRY OLIVER
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Gas prices

Ok, I cannot dispute Saint Louis economics, but how about Bloomington
which is typically 8-12 cents higher than, say Peoria or Springfield,
and then a small town, Gridley (pop 500 or so) that is less than 10
miles from bloomington where the gas prices are typically 15-25 cents
LOWER than the entire rest of the state of IL. None of the cities I
mentioned requre vapor recovery or oxy fuels....
  To me it seems that the industry uses these "bullet points" about
different blends, regulations and supply and demand to justify
profiteering. The excuses have just enough truth to not be able to be
called outright lies, but they definately fit the definition of

>>> 03/17/04 10:22PM >>>

on 3/17/04 8:43 AM, BARRY OLIVER at wrote:

> to: Jon in STL; Don't take this tirade personally, it's just an
> opinion... ;-)

No, but let's back it with some facts =80

In the large city, gasolines usually must be oxygenated, therefore,
price is higher. For instance, here in STL, we must use the
fuels with the oxygenate. If I go to a friend's house about 1-1/2 hour
south, the gas is 10 cents cheaper. Two reasons. One, the "yuppie
factor"-there is more money here, so they will charge what the market
bear. Simple economics. Heck, prices at Wal Mart are higher here, too.
they don't have to use the reformulated oxygenated fuels OR the vapor
recovery systems. Less costs to the companies, less costs to the

Erin go bragh!


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