Re: Anyone use this list

Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 19:14:19 EDT

"Josh Battles" <> wrote:
: ""Hop *"" <> wrote in message
:> > >
:> > > Dude... that's freakin sick..
:> >
:> >Dude, it's the Simpsons. Simma down.
:> >
:> It is when you cut and paste the link..
:> But when i clicked on it thru my web email browser i got and the
:> text don't steal my band width.
:> That's freakin sick...
:> --Hop

: It looks like your address is at hotmail... When you click a link in
: hotmail it puts its stupid bar on the top of each window, I bet that's
: what's causing the difficulty.

  FWIW, if the link is clicked on in the archives, bad things
happen too. ;-) I'm guessing it is the "referrer" attribute of
the HTTP request which is causing your server to swap images.
I don't really have a suggestion about how to make it work the
way you want it to since I don't have a lot of experience with
.htaccess beyond fairly simple password stuff, but just in case
it helps, I'm guessing it is triggering on a non-blank referrer.

  Ok, maybe I do have a couple of suggestions after all;
these may or may not work...

I wonder if there might be a way to configure the .htaccess
setup such that it wouldn't do the switch if a certain attribute
appeared after the URL, such that you could possibly append "OK"
or some other text string at the end when posting links to images.
For example: "" Of course,
even if you do get this to work, people who know about it could
still link to your images by using the proper URL; though most
people probably wouldn't figure there would be such a mechanism
in place so it would work for the most part.

  Or, this second method which I am about 99% sure would work
for ya and would still prevent inline linking is to write a
simple CGI script to build an HTML page on the fly and
display the picture inline. Because the referrer would be your
own site, there shouldn't be any problem with the switched
image. The URL you would give out would look something like: This way
prevents image stealing since what is returned isn't image data
but an HTML page. I have actually done this and it is pretty
simple. Check out - when you are looking
at an entry and click on a picture, notice that the URL isn't
directly to the image itself, it builds a page around it and
inlines the image. I mainly did that to make the site pretty -
so that clicking on an image wouldn't just throw the stark
image up there, it would have the same look and feel as the
rest of the site. But, it may work for your purposes also,
you don't need all the borders, etc. just an HTML page with
an <IMG> tag in it.

  This is actually done with a pretty simple CSH script, if you
would like a copy just let me know; you may be able to use it
as the basis for something that would work with your site. It
requires CSH, awk, sed and assumes a working "cat" command.


.-- Jon Steiger ---- or --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ --'

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