Heck, I've been watching this thread lately and I can't say enough good
things about my Silblades. I bought them with the original group purchase in
early 2000 for my 2000 4X4 CC. They are over 4 years old and still going
strong, don't streak in the least. AND, I live in Phoenix where the poor
beast sits outside in 115 degree heat regularly. This brings the surface
temp of your windshield to over 130 in the sun easily.
I do clean them with the wash mitt when I wash the truck, but I've always
done that with any wiper blades as they catch alot of dust and dirt, so it
needs to be removed or it will not just ruin the blades but the glass too. I
also wax my windshild when I wax the truck. I think that helps to curb the
streaking as well.
Anyway, here's a postive vote for Silblades.
Tim Koth
Phx AZ
Jeff and Ray wrote:
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 00:40:50 -0400
From: Jeff Durling <jdurling@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Silblades
I think for most sases your dad is right on the money. The problem for
me is that I live in s. fla. Unfortunantly due to the heat I need to
replace my wiper blades every year due to the heat and what it does to
the rubber. Anywhere else I would completely agree but down here the
heat tends to ruin a set in a year. Other than that your dad is
probably right on the money.
Jeff Durling
On Aug 21, 2004, at 5:58 PM, Ray Irons wrote:
> I use to replace my wiper blades as soon as they started streaking. I
> use
> to. No more. A older gentleman I respect a great deal, who is very
> wise in
> the ways of the world, has driven more miles than 10 people put
> together,
> told me as soon as you start to see the blades streaking, you need to
> clean
snip snip snip
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