Back with questions!

From: Gary Hedlin (
Date: Tue Sep 21 2004 - 02:11:27 EDT

Howdy everyone, miss me? :P

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Past few months have been pretty
uneventfull, flirtewd with employment but once again got laid now
I spend my time working on the house & the truck. Yes, the truck still runs
pretty good and looks better than ever (and even has carpet and floor mats
now! :) ) Which leads me to a few questions.

1. I had the opertunity to gut the interrior of a 99 RC, which had the
center overhead console built into it. I figured out how to mount it, but
now the big question....what do I need to do to make it function?? I'm
finding it handy even without it powered, but having it work would make it

2. Last week I had to replace my headlight switch...AGIAN!! It seems like
I've been changing these every 6 months, so when I gutted the 99 I grabbed
that switch too since it looked like it would hold up better. So now the
big question... Would it work on my 98??

Any input would be greatly appreciated and used wisely! :)

Mucho Grasias!


Gary Hedlin 98 Sport From Hell

5100 Miles from the 200k club!!

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