Re: highway stalling - fixed

From: droo (
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 17:48:55 EDT

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 12:16:57 -0500, Josh Battles <> wrote:

> Well, for those who remember the few scary days I had there on the
> highway
> with the truck just shutting off on me, I've managed to correct the
> problem
> and you'll never in a million years guess what it was.
> To make a long story short, apparently my friends thought it would be
> funny
> to put a piece of paper over the terminal between the coil wire and the
> coil
> itself. Well, when they did it, they apparently pulled on it too hard or
> something and it tore, allowing the electriticy to flow between the coil
> and
> the wire. However, the paper managed to wick just enough water up in
> there
> to cause some slight corrosion - enough to intermittantly stall the
> truck.
> I only found this out after I had replaced the distributor cap, rotor,
> battery, and reseated every electrical connection under the hood. (after
> each step thinking that I'd corrected the problem) As a last ditch
> effort I
> decided to change the ignition wires and plugs as well, perhaps there
> was a
> defect in the wires. Well, the box came from summit and while taking the
> ignition wires off of the truck I discovered a little treasure inside the
> ignition coil boot - a small piece of paper. I'm suprised I didn't have
> an
> engine fire by the way that it looked. It was all brown and kinda ashy
> looking.
> So, after a nice talk with the people in question, they brought over a
> case
> of beer and we drank it. Now comes the planning of retaliation.

Jesus. With friends like those, who needs enemies?


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