Absolutely screaming. Just before I got my BFGs, I was on a _slippery_
section of road a mile from my house, and ended up bouncing my truck off a
snowbank (with no damage, thankfully), so I hit 4-low to head up the last
hill. My truck was just about tapped out in fifth at 20 mph. Needless to
say, I didn't let it stay that way for long.
"andy levy" <andy-dml@levyclan.us> wrote in message
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2/7/2005 17:53, Jason Bleazard wrote:
> | On Mon, February 7, 2005 4:51 pm, droo said:
> |
> |>Yeah. Lets you get it into 4x4 low real easy. Doesn't stop you from
> |>redlining it all the way to the store.
> |
> |
> | That's why I was kind of wondering about the Dean's comment that "She
> had
> | a hard time getting it into 4x4 but finally did". Not to mention it has
> | little lights that light up to show her that she was already in 4x4 hi
> | before even moving the dial. Had she even bothered to open her eyes,
> she
> | should never have made such an idiotic mistake. I mean, just how much
> of
> | a mental gerbil IS this woman? (No offense to gerbils.)
> |
> | I can almost see doing something like that with a lever operated
> transfer
> | case if you weren't familiar with them. But the way they have things
> set
> | up now, you almost have to be trying in order to mess it up.
> That's where I'm scratching my head too. If you're cruising along at 40
> MPH, the thing *is* smart enough to say "yes, I see you flipped the
> switch to 4LO. What are you, nuts? I'll take care of that later, when
> you've slowed down." How do you "have trouble" flipping the switch -
> one would think that if she's observant enough to know when the truck is
> or isn't in 4WD and knowledgeable enough to know what it means, she'll
> be able to handle the 4LO concept.
> And if you're in 4LO, the engine's going to be SCREAMING if you're on
> the road...that right there should be a huge red flag to even the most
> careless person. Not to mention all the driveline binding on turns.
> - --
> - -andy
> http://home.rochester.rr.com/alevy/dakota - andy-dml@levyclan.us
> - --------------------------------------------
> "Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
> -Bob Tom
> - --------------------------------------------
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