"Magnum" engines (was: PCM)

From: jon@dakota-truck.net
Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 13:43:59 EDT

"Gabriel A. Couriel" <gcouriel@bellsouth.net> wrote:

: no it doesn't. the new "Magnum" engines (3.7, 4.7 & 5.7L) do, but not the
: older A-based engines.

  Speaking of which, is anyone else as annoyed about that as I am?
(DC calling the 3.7, 4.7 & 5.7 "Magnum" engines.) They are an
entirely new design which have nothing in common with the older
engines. Heck, even the 5.7 is somewhat different from the 3.7 and
4.7... What possible reason could there be to keep the same
nomenclature for a completely different engine? I thought they
were going to call them "Powertech" or something along those lines.
At first (back in 2000 or so), I thought they were just trying to
use up their remaining fender badges, but now I realize they're just
being stupid. As if there isn't enough confusion in the automotive
world already. :-)

  (Then again, this is the same company that is calling their latest
4 door sedan a "Charger", so at least they're being consistent. I
guess the department responsible for thinking up new names for stuff
must have jumped ship after the "merger"; maybe they went with Lutz
to GM?) ;-)


.-- Jon Steiger ---- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ http://www.jonsteiger.com --'

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