Josh Battles wrote:
> TerribleTom wrote:
>> One fuel pressure regulator later - I have full full pressure!!!
>> She purrs like a happy little demented pickup again hehehe
> Congrats Tom! Will she be attending the BBQ this year?
Thanks dude! Yep - Christine will be there for sure. I'm planning
several suprises - several of which are sitting in my closet. NEW
If a JEEP gets stuck in THE PIT! A DODGE has to pull it out!
I need voulneteers to operate video cameras at stratigic places to film
the convoy into town Saturday evening to the ice cream shop. Who will
have a video camera at the BBQ? I need to know how many cameras I will
have inorder to film the right angles I want. This is all in
preperation for the upcoming sequel to Silence Of The Rams. I plan on
getting some good photo ops myself.
So come one - come all - but be warned - its gonna be another year for
the DML record books...
I'm sitting here cranking Nickleback on the stereo...
wanderlust in full blown epidemic proportions...
school is out...
work SUCKS...
I gotta get the *HELL* outta this freaking house...
and go insane on some muddy trails and get drunk around a fire...
Bring lots of video tape...
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** COUNTDOWN TO 2005 DML BBQ *64* DAYS LEFT! ********** *Caution* Terrible Tom may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. What pond? AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine -
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