Re: Valve Covers

Date: Wed Jul 20 2005 - 00:18:46 EDT

Terrible Tom <> wrote:
: wrote:
:> "James Calder" <> wrote:
:> : I didn't bother taking a close look at the way the valve covers came off
:> : before rebuild disassembly on my friends '93 3.9. Is this correct:
:> : Driver side; Front = oil fill; Rear = grommet with large hole?
:> : Passenger side; Front = grommet with small hole; Rear = oil fill hole?
:> : Or am I all mixed up?
:> Hoo boy, this is taxing my brain a bit since its been a while since
:> my valve covers resembled anything like stock, but I *think* your oil
:> fill caps are both going to be at the front. The driver's side rear
:> will have the grommet with the large hole, which is for the PCV breather
:> (which has a hose running from the breather to the air cleaner), and
:> the passenger side rear is going to have the grommet with the small
:> hole, which is for the PCV valve, which has a hose running from it
:> to a nipple on the side of the intake manifold.

: pretty darn close there Jon!

: On my 1989 premags, oil fill cap is on the drivers side front valve
: cover... with the PVC valve behind it in that one... passenger side has
: a breather filter which pipes up to the air cleaner fitting.

: 93 may be different from 89 - but oil fill caps is always on front
: drivers side regardless of what year (stock) valve cover.

   Yep, I'm certain that on the driver's side, the oil fill was
at the front and the PCV breather was behind it, that's the way
it was with my '96 Dak and my '92 Ram (I don't recall what the
'90 Dak has), but the passenger side is the one I am a bit iffy
about. Seems like I recall the oil fill being in the front and
the PCV valve behind, but part of my brain thinks it was the
other way around. :-) I know for sure the PCV valve is on the
passenger side valve cover though (again, this is on the Magnum
engine, I dunno about the premag) I did some looking through the
DML pics page ( but that didn't
help a whole lot since I saw pics of trucks with it both ways. :-)
Wouldn't you know it, while cleaning up the barn for the BBQ, I
came across the '96 Dakota brochure that I got at the dealership
when I ordered my '96, which has pictures of all the engines
in it, but I already put it in a box and stashed it up in the pallet
storage racking somewhere so I'm not about to go digging around
for that. ;-)


.-- Jon Steiger ---- or --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ --'

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