Re: Hotchkis Kit and Tire Rub Questions

From: Robert Schultz (
Date: Thu Sep 15 2005 - 18:36:14 EDT

Thanks, I'll watch out for that. On my truck it actually looks like the
weld is taking the brunt of the damage.

It will get an undercoat before winter.


Michael Maskalans wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Robert Schultz wrote:
>>3. Live with it? What are the risks with this? The tires seem to be
>>flexing the fender a bit when they hit.
> Rob,
> I'm not sure how this situation changed from year to year or between
> colors or even between trucks, but just a word of warning that *IF* your
> truck is anything like mine ('98 metallic red) your paint may be
> EXTREMELY, embarassingly brittle. There was either far too little
> plasticizer or far too much hardener in my paint and the smallest flex
> will crack my paint and break the bond with the metal beneath.
> Definitly not great for what I do with my truck. I've got quite a bit of
> paint work to do before the salt season comes around, and I have not found
> a matching top coat. I need to buy paint from the dealer to get it to
> match.
> And of course the only solution to my problem is to bring the truck down
> to bare metal and start over. Not bloody likely. grrr
> but in any case, I'd be extremely wary of asking your paint to sit happily
> on a fender that's flexing.
> --
> MikeM
> SAS '98 CC

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