Re: transmission stuff

From: Daniel L. Burrows (
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 15:36:07 EST

I do not think I am related to anyone on this list. This is true, mine
is cable dirivin.... However, there is this module that the cable goes
through at the transmission that is connected to a set of wires. I guess
there is one way to figure out for sure what it does. Maybe it's for the
OD function or something....

Terrible Tom wrote:
> Daniel L. Burrows wrote:
>> I already put the gauge cluster with the tachometer in my 91 and the
>> tach function did not work so I ended up making a module for it (I did
>> this a few years ago). When I was a teenager I had an 87 Dakota (the
>> truck was 10 years old at that time) and I added a tach with a kit
>> that hooked to the number one wire on my distributor. I did the same
>> thing on my 91 except I had to make a module that would transpose the
>> pulses down to a variable voltage that would not fry the electronic
>> tach in the cluster. As I recall a slightly higher voltage was needed
>> per RPM and I spent hours figuring out the ratio using my old tach as
>> a gauge (pretty slick huh)….Later on I found out that I could have
>> added a wire to my computer and it would have done that for me. I
>> guess my module works just as well though-it’s still working! Anyhow,
>> if my memory serves me correctly ( and it usually does not), and if
>> your tach is reading too high then you probably need to lower the
>> voltage per RPM going into your electronic tach. Depending on your
>> electronic cognition, and the equipment you have would probably make
>> the difference to if you are successful in making a module.
>> I just hope that my extra transmission
>> is not a 42RE as I would have to make a module to make it shift at the
>> proper time.
> Damn dude - are you related to jon Steiger at all? LOL "ho hum - I
> guess I'll just have to fabricate an electronic module for my electronic
> tach and transmission!"
> If you can do that - I'm impressed :D
> As for the speedo working correctly - I swapped my original speedo out -
> because i wanted to retain my correct odometer readings.... so I do not
> know if you will have issues going from a standard to a sport speedo.
> Also - the older speedos are cable driven... a speed sensor has no
> effect on the reading of that speedo.

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