Re: '46 Dakota Progress!

From: Josh Battles (
Date: Fri Feb 17 2006 - 08:33:57 EST

On Thu, February 16, 2006 8:00 pm, Jason Bleazard wrote:
> This particular list is an attachment-free zone. And HTML free as well.
> There isn't any way to e-mail pictures out to the entire list.
> Jon has worked out ways for people to post pictures and other attachments to
> the DML site in the past, you can talk to him and see what you can come up
> with. There are also many ways to freely post pictures on the net. Flickr
> comes to mind, I'm sure there are lots more that would work well. Many of us
> would like to check out the pics, so hopefully you can find a solution that
> will work.

There are tons of free image uploaders as well. Check out imageshack,
uploaderx, or supload.

- Josh

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. . .------------------------------------------------------------------. | Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! | | Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: | `------------------------------------------------------------------'

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