OT Plane crash here in Dover DE

From: Ray Irons (rirons@doverde.net)
Date: Mon Apr 03 2006 - 11:10:29 EDT

        I'm sure you've heard by now that one of the C-5's assigned to Dover
crashed this morning. Details are still sketchy but from reports I've heard,
the aircraft suffered some kind of mechanical fault on takeoff and the crew
was trying to do an emergency turn around and return to Dover, It appears
the tail of the aircraft struck the ground short of the runway and snapped
off. The aircraft then slid through a field before coming to a halt. The
fuselage aft of the cockpit split and the #1 engine also came off the wing.
That's the bad news. The good news is that there was no fire, no explosion.
Reports are that there were 17 people on board and all survived the
incident. If I get anymore info I'll pass it along to those interested.

Ray Irons
Dover, DE (for now, California bound in 17 days!)

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