Re: Colorado BBQ Convoy

From: Andy Levy (
Date: Wed Apr 26 2006 - 15:32:56 EDT

On 4/26/06, Jason Bleazard <> wrote:
> > Ah yes, Ohio. I think their state tree is the interstate tollbooth. ;-)
> Argh... any idea how much money we're looking at forking out in tolls?
> Naturally they'll all be doubled since we'll be pulling a trailer. I'll need
> to make sure we have enough US cash with us.

Depending on how many toll roads you'll hit, it may be worth your
while to just get an EZPass (assuming most of the toll roads are on
the program) for the duration of the trip. Pick one up once you cross
into NY and return it before heading back over the border on the
return trip. I think Mike mentioned earlier that at least for NY,
EZ-Pass users get a discount on tolls. You can tie it directly to a
credit card and not have to worry about carrying a bunch of cash for
tolls, nor your account running low and needing replenishment.

| Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! |
| Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: |

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