CB Radios

From: Josh (josh@omg-stfu.com)
Date: Tue May 02 2006 - 16:33:42 EDT

I know a bunch of you guys have CBs in your trucks, perhaps you can help
me out a little. I'm thinking about mounting a CB in the 'Tona to help me
with traffic conditions and for entertainment in general.

I was thinking about going with this [1] Cobra 29 and optioning for the
performance tuning package (the first one). Should I invest in a power
mike? What kind of antenna should I be using?

I'd like to get something that'll not be too obtrusive and Ideally it'll
be a black fiberglass one similar to this [2]. I'm flexable on mounting
but I'd like to keep it on the rear of the roof or the top part of the
hatch. It can be a magnetic mount [3] or whatever, I don't care. I'll
drill a hole in the car if I have to, it's no biggie as long as it won't

[1] http://www.claysradioshop.com/cobra29wx%20nwst.htm
[2] http://www.claysradioshop.com/citizensband_firestick%20antennas.htm
[3] http://www.claysradioshop.com/acc_magneticbases.htm

Help me pick quality stuff. I think I've got a pretty good handle on it
with the stuff I've linked to, what do you guys think? Good? Bad?

- Josh

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