Actually, Uniden USED to make most of the Cobra's, but like 8 years ago
Cobra parted ways with them and had clones built in china along with
units built for them by maxon in korea and in the case of the low end
cobra's it seemed like there were 30 versions of each made by whomever
would do it cheapest this week! total junk...
this is why uniden came out with models that LOOKED like cobra's, they
WERE the cobra's w/o the cobra name on them anymore.
Now, lots of the unidens are junk too, the small (pro) models were crap.
at this point i'd just check the quality of the model you like, not the
brand, names don't mean much now...
Quoting Michael Maskalans <>:
> On May 3, 2006, at 21:13, Mike wrote:
>> Josh Battles wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 2, 2006 10:05 pm, Michael Maskalans wrote:
>>>> My dad has had nothing but trouble with Cobras (going in for service
>>>> all the time). After his expirience, we both run Unidens. check out
>>>> their factory refirbs for good deals online.
>>> Really? My dad has used cobras for years with no problems. He's actually
>>> still using one he's had for 20+ years in their tow rig. You're the first
>>> person I've heard of having problems with them.
>>> I've never been a big fan of Uniden stuff.
>> actually, the cobras and unidens are made by the same company using
>> the same circuit boards . kinda like chevy/gmc trucks. a little
>> different chrome trim on the same truck
> Interesting. I much prefer the look of the Cobra stuff (real
> backlighting is a huge win in my book) but with the terrible luck my
> dad had on multiple radios, and the great luck we've had with the
> Unidens I never would have guessed....
> Maybe if I ever kill my 78XL I'll give one of the Cobras with the
> Night Watch back lighting another shot (I so wish CB front panels
> weren't stuck in the 60s. just 'cause the guts don't change is no
> reason to never update the interface and look)
> --
> +-- Mike Maskalans ---------------- Rochester, NY ----------+
> | '98 Dakota CC, SAS on 40s '84 RamCharger 4x4, plow truck |
> | '02 Jetta TDI 5sp, daily '97 Intrepid, not on the road |
> +-------------------- <> --+
> .
> .
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