Re: How to bring a Jeep back from Colorado?

From: Andy Levy (
Date: Thu May 18 2006 - 12:54:43 EDT

On 5/18/06, <> wrote:
> That would certainly be an option to keep in mind. I never
> really thought about it myself since I figured if a trailer wasn't
> an option, then flat towing it for free would be better than whatever
> they want for a dolly, but its true that you'd only need to worry
> about the rear end in that case, and there wouldn't be any tracking
> or light issues... Just as a point of reference, U-haul wants $309
> for a one way rental. (As opposed to $620 for a trailer.) At that
> price, $400 to buy one doesn't sound all that bad

What does UHaul charge for those vehicle carriers - the trucks that
you roll the transported vehicle right up onto?

| Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! |
| Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: |

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