Re: UPDATE: Total head gasket failure. NOT.

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Tue May 23 2006 - 08:50:16 EDT

Quoting Dan Kramarsky <>:

> Well, i got the truck home on Monday morning. And this evening I finally
> had the time
> to look into what exactly happened.
> There was a large hole in the heater hose that runs to the top nipple on the
> firewall.

well that's certainly good news!

I'd follow the suggestions already posted. it'll probably start and run as it
is as soon as you get the cooling system topped off. don't forget to start it
and run it with the radiator cap off for a little while until the thermostat
opens to 'burp' the system, and refill as needed.

Michael Maskalans   <>
'98 Dakota SLT                 318/231/46RE/D44/10.25"
'84 RamCharger Royale SE         360/208/727/D44/9.25"
mobile.612.618.4652                  home.585.935.7129

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