Re: Build an Ark....inside my Dakota

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2006 - 02:19:21 EDT

Zito, James A (GE Infra, Energy) wrote:
> So here's the $64k question where is the water coming from?????
> And the bonus round how do I keep it from happening again?????

Early on, I had a similar leak in my 2000 Dak. It ended up being a leak
in the seal on the windshield in the lower right corner. When the truck
was sitting at the right angle in the rain, the water would leak in like
crazy -- enough to completely fill my rubber floor mats and leak out
onto the carpet.

Fortunately it was fixed under warranty, but I'm pretty sure it was at
that point that cardboard (wtf?) got into their air intake for the
ventilation system and eventually lodged itself in my blower motor.
Unfortunately truck was out of warranty by that point so I had to deal
with that on my own...

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