Hey, Jon..
<snip> Thanks, Bob!
You're quite welcome!
<snip>Looks sort've like what I had in mind, although that
particular setup looks like it can only do single flares<snip>
As opposed to MULTIPLE flares!?!?!?
<snip>In thinking about it a little more, I'm not sure if using a shop
press would be a
good idea or not strictly from a clearance point of view. If you've
got a relatively long or bendy line made up, it might be difficult
to position such a thing in a shop press without it hitting on the
ground or the side of the press, etc. <snip>
It might work with an arbor press IF you mounted it on a pivoting platform
that you cold swing 90 degrees to a horizontal plane...
<snip> Guess I'll just have to stick with the standard type. Maybe I'll
get lucky one of these
days and come across a hydraulic set at an estate sale or something.<snip>
Estate sales! So that's where you go to stock up on vehicles & tools &
I wondered where your vast collections were accumulated from!
Bob (DAKSY) Smith
2K SY Dakota Sport +
V-6 4 x 4 5 speed
2K05 HD 883C YP
Averill Park, NY!
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