It may or may not work for you but I found it was easier to undo the bed
bolts and raise the bed off the truck than try and drop the tank. Of
course I had a tank that was 3/4 full at the time.
On Fri, 1 Sep 2006, Don Rey wrote:
> James, unfortunately I can't offer any advice, but I can tell you my
> '94 truck does the same thing (actually it's my '89 with the tank and
> fuel lines out of a '94). I lucked out and can get 17 gallons before
> it stumbles and stutters (22gal tank). When I installed the tank a
> couple months ago, I (stupidly) didn't open it up to check the
> pump/pickup/sending unit. Eventually I'll drop it again. If you do it
> before me, would you take digital pictures? I'll do the same.
> As for dropping the tank... it's not *too* bad. Since I've never
> lifted the bed, I'm going to say dropping the tank is easier. If you
> have a fuel tank skidplate, it's a few more rusty bolts to fight with.
> If you've got any rust under there, get in your dirtiest of dirty
> clothes for this job. All that rust will fall on you in a powder of
> particles ranging in size from pennies to individual molecules (you
> think I exaggerate... just wait till you try scrubbing that crap out
> of your skin after it got *through* your layered clothing!) When the
> book says to empty the tank first, listen. DAMHIK. Also, the FSM
> suggests using a tranny jack. It's not required, but if you already
> have one, it will make the job easier... and may allow you to do it
> without emptying the tank first.
> Don in CT
> 89 Dakota Convertible 5.2mag NV3500 4x4
> 74 Dart Sport 340
> On 9/1/06, <> wrote:
>> "Jamie Calder" <> wrote:
>> : My '96 Dakota will only run on the first 6-9 gallons of gas after a fill
>> up.
>> : After that it will stumble or only go 5-10 MPH until finally dying.
>> After a
>> : fill up it's back to normal. It seems almost as though the gravity from
>> a
>> : full tank helps get the fuel flowing. A pressure gauge shows 44 PSI.
>> : Any Ideas?
>> Is the pressure gauge hooked up all the time? If so, what
>> does it read when its going through its stumbling routine?
>> Sounds like its probably related to the in-tank pump or pickup.
>> I've never had one out so I'm not completely sure what the
>> design is like, but it sounds almost like there is a hole
>> partway up, where once the fuel level drops below it, it starts
>> sucking air instead of fuel. At any rate, you might want to
>> either drop the tank or lift the bed (most folks say that the
>> latter is easier) and just do a visual inspection of the in-tank
>> pump and pickup.
>> --
>> -Jon-
>> .- Jon Steiger -- or -.
>> | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars |
>> `-------------------------------- --'
-- Miles D. Oliver _________________ "If a man speaks in the woods where there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong? Probably.""If a woman speaks in the forest with no man near to hear her, is she still complaining? Of course."
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