On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Bill Maurits wrote:
> Does anyone remember a magazine article that came out quite a while
> ago, about using the power vent window motors from a caravan to do
> power vent windows in a Dakota? I THOUGHT I had a copy of it, but
> can't find it anywhere.
> Now that I finally sold my 04 Ram and am a Dakota owner again, I would
> LOVE to do this conversion.
I don't remember ever seeing an article about it, but I've been sitting
with that project half done for like 3 years now. I've had the Durango
window switch installed and wires run for ages, but I never put the
actuators on the windows....
That and a custom center console have been the two items half-finished for
the longest on my truck, and I think are the oldest items on the todo list
-- +-- Mike Maskalans ---------------- Rochester, NY ----------+ | '98 Dakota CC, SAS on 40s '84 RamCharger 4x4, plow truck | | '02 Jetta TDI 5sp, daily '97 Intrepid, not on the road | +-------------------- <http://mike.tepidcola.com/trucks/> --+
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