Re: RE: Ball Joint Bewilderment

From: Don Rey (
Date: Fri Oct 20 2006 - 09:16:35 EDT

Tim, there are 2 sizes (someone else mentioned this too) a "small" one
and a "big" one. The big one is 2-1/8, so if your ball joints measure
2-1/8" across the flat sides, it's the same as the 4wds. I believe it
is. I think the small one is for some other non-dak chrysler product.

Don in CT
89 Dakota Convertible
74 Dart Sport 340

On 10/20/06, Pindell, Tim P <> wrote:
> I bought a huge socket specially made for those. It's a 3/4" drive so I
> had to get an adapter for my 1/2" impact. Let me see if I can remember
> what online store had it. It wasn't very expensive at all. I'd be
> willing to let you borrow it if I can't find where I got it. The only
> wrinkle is that I have a 2wd (still gen2). I'm not sure of the ball
> joints are appreciably different.
> Tim

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