Daktoberfest 2006
1529.7 miles
144.5 gallons of fuel
$322.33 cost for fuel
average fuel economy 11.20 MPG
... the best weekend I've had in a very very long time... priceless
I've got posts to read and catch up on a bit later.. but I want mention
a few things here.
I want to thank Jon once more for hosting us this past weekend. It was
great to meet the new faces as well.
Don Rey - your truck is awesome! It was really well done! Hope we get
to kick some tail with our V8 powered 89's next year!
Steve, Ben, awesome to meet you guys and i'm glad to see Andys old
Dakota is in good hands :) And I hope you guys come back with it again
in the future. And like I said - if you ever want to sell it, and Andy
isn't interested - look me up! hehe! I need a Gen III to round off the
Chris Reck... DUDE!! BEST!! RIBS!! EVAR!! A++++!!!!! AWESOME EBAYER
I had a great drive back with ya man. We need to get the Chicagoland
gang together for a mini meet!! I'm glad I was able to help you out
with the drive shaft. Like I said - you could very well have had no
trouble at all getting home, but I didn't think it was worth the risk to
your driveline considering past situations with them going bad.
Chris Saltsman... A pleasure to finally have met Barny Dak :D You
better plan on coming out next summer... I owe ya a mud bath! hehehehe!!
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- "The word, is no. I am therefore going anyway." - James T. Kirk75 Honda CL360, 89 Dakota, 89 Dakota 4x4, 95 Dakota 4x4, 96 Neon, 01 Ram 4x4 http://members.aol.com/silvereightynine/ AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine
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