Overhead mileage calculator.

From: Hop * (hopsdak@hotmail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 17 2006 - 08:37:21 EST

Hey guys,
I've noticed that my overhead computer is constantly 1mpg off. When i
calculate my milage by hand i get better milage than what the computer says.
  Is there any way to adjust this? Could the TPS or something else be
causing it to read wrong? I'm not sure what the computer looks at to get
it's figures.
On the up side i get the rearend rebuilt. New pinion and carrier bearings
and LSD all for the tune of $720. And i had to do most of the work myself..
Atleast now i think i could do it myself with the right tools. Silence is
awesome, That pinion bearing has been whinning for well over a month now.
'97 CC 318 4x4

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